
Molu is a Meta search engine which aggregates results from best websites across the web and categorize them smartly.

It’s a way to do a search based on tags in various web 2.0 based websites, thus making it a search result aggregator across the web.

It provides a categorical search in various categories including Web results, Images, Blogs, Shopping Items, Videos, Question Answers, Discussions, Books, Events and Dictionary.

The best websites which Molu uses to aggregate its results includes Yahoo, MSN, Amazon, Metacafe, Wikipedia, Youtube etc.

Molu also allows the search results to be added to various bookmarking sites. The user can also visit the results inside the same page and hence is not required to leave the page.

The site shows you the list of links, images, categories and sidebars of the search page. You can even download and search link page in PDF Format. It is also packed with Related Term Suggestion and Spelling Correction Tool.
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