
Bizegator is an online platform which brings buyers and sellers together under one hood so that buyers can directly negotiate and buy products from the sellers.

In this platform, as a buyer you can enjoy access to a large range of sellers, discounted prices and ease of negotiation. From a Seller perspective, you can get access to thousands of new customers; increase your sales, visibility and better sales conversions without any marketing cost.

Bizegator.com mainly uses the concept of reverse auction and e-negotiation. As you post your requirement, sellers’ start to out bid each other in order to win your business. You decide which seller or service provider is the winner of your business and in this manner you get the best deal against your requirements.

The platform also allows buyers to make payments offline directly to sellers after seeing the product.

Bizegator offers a variety of products and services which caters to all requirements for Travel, Hotels, Electronics, Computers, Phones, Home Appliances, Cameras, Office Supplies and Services.

Bizegator.com is an offering by Mumbai based company named Aurus IT Solutions. Currently, this service is functional for Mumbai and will soon be reaching all other cities of India.
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