
UPto75.com provides information on retail offers, discounts and deals available online as well as in retails stores of your city.

Here you get deals on various products and services including restaurants, hotels, travel, shopping products like clothes, footwear, books, computers, electronics, automobiles, education, Jewelery, music & movies etc.

For browsing these deals, there is an option to search by location, shop name, category and deal type. They also have a latest deal section which helps you to select Best Deal Products from the website.

They list product deals from local retail stores as well as websites and provide comprehensive information about the price of the product, validity, and contact information which helps you to make a smart purchasing decision.

The site provides discount coupons on various products and services. You can download the coupon to your mobile by SMS. You can then take it and display at the store locations to avail the discount. The site even gives you options to share these coupons to your friends.

Currently this service is available in 7 cities - Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Pune, Chennai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad. The promoters have claimed that they have a tie up with more than 3000 vendors and 400 brands across the country.

This service is offering from GAP Miners India Private Limited, a start-up company based in Hyderabad.
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