
Verity Technologies is a mobile applications company with focus on Authentication and Identity Management Services for financial and other transactions.

Blue ID, an Identity and Authentication Management tool from Verity Technologies secures financial transactions on Mobile phone. This app provides you with a single foolproof identity which integrates with multiple agencies that need to verify your identity.

Blue ID solutions are fast, safe and easy to use. With a single touch of the finger to the sensor of the card, the transactions get approved. It’s a totally secure purchase or log-in or keyless entry check.

Blue ID solutions come in 5 customer facing product forms ranging from Blue ID 1 to Blue ID 5 which caters to different levels of security.

How BLUE ID works? 

BLUE ID uses a multi-factor authentication process which include
• User makes transaction through a mobile which syncs with BLUE ID.
• BLUE ID verifies the biometric identity of the individual
• Connects and check with BLUE ID server via mobile
• Confirms authenticity back over the mobile.

Blue IDs cutting edge technology makes it interoperability with legacy platforms, existing technologies and standards in the Financial Transactions including Scosta, EMV, 8353 among others. It also addresses the security concerns of ecommerce, Web 2.0, Telco 2.0 and NFCmass-market adoption.

The company is also launching a content application called Mocazzo that will work with social networking products.
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