
Scopial.com is a community based T-Shirt designing platform where you can show your creativity and design skills.

Scopial T-shirts are made from 100% US-PIMA cotton which is the best cotton known to mankind because of its strength, luster, and excellent softness.

Any casual visitor can buy a T- Shirt through the website.

The website offers most of the other community features like posting comments, blogs, personal messaging and profile creation.

Ongoing Content

The website is presently running a design contest wherein designers, art enthusiasts and T-shirt fanatics from various parts of the world can submit their designs. These designs are voted by the community members on a scale of 1 to 5. Every fortnight a design is declared winner and the winner is rewarded Rs. 20,000 (USD400) cash. The design is printed on premium quality T-shirts and sold through the website itself.

The winner’s gets a lot of recognition as their names are printed on every T-shirt label which bears their respective design along with a full length interview which is published on the website.
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