
Snockles.com is a mobile social messaging service cum networking site that lets you send messages to all your contacts at once through internet as well as from mobile phones.

Snockles is simple to use. Just get yourself registered on the website and use the ‘Find People box’ to search for your friends who are already registered with Snockles. You can then start tracking them.

You can post your message (Snockles) on message board which is then broadcast to all people who are tracking about you, your location, general queries etc.

Every time your friend posts a Snockle, you will get it on your Snockles page. Snockles can also be sent and received via SMS after you register your mobile phone.

Snockle service is free of cost and the messages received via Snockles are free of cost though charges will apply but from respective users' mobile network service providers, when you send messages.

At present their service is available in two countries - United Kingdom and India. Soon, it will be scaled to other countries as well.

Snockles is currently being funded from Web Spiders, a Kollkata based Rich Internet Application (RIA) Development Company.
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