
 Step 1: Navigate To Dashboard

Log in to your Blogger account. From the dashboard, click Monetize.

Step 2: Select Layout
Select the way you want your ads to be displayed. Click Next when you’re finished.

Step 3: Name Your Blog
If you already have an AdSense account, select option 2 & enter your AdSense account information. Otherwise, select option 1 and create a new AdSense account.
Click Next after making your selection.

Step 4: Verification & Edit Options
Once Step 3 is complete, you’ll see the following message.
At the bottom of the confirmation page, you will see more options to customize the layouts, ads, and view your reports. These are also accessible from the main Monetize tab once its set up.
 Other Advertising Options: Adsense Feeds and Amazon Ads
Going back to the Monitize tab, you’ll see two more options for setting up advertising on your blog. The first is Adsense for Feeds.
Adsense for Feeds
Select the AdSense For Feeds link as shown above. Set the type of ad, frequency, length and position of the ads.
Click Next to complete the setup.
Amazon Ads
Select the Amazon Associates link as shown above. If you already have an Amazon associate ID, select option 2. Otherwise, choose option 1 to create an account.
Click Set Up Amazon Associates to finish the process.
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