
Chaupaati's mission is to aggregate information of unorganized markets and connect Indian masses to it. Over 50% of India's GDP comes from unorganized services. Over 50% of earning Indians have annual household income of less than Rs. 2,00,000. Over 50% of total consumption is from this income segment. About 50% of Mumbai lives in slums. The urban aspirer is living in the slum but looking at the moon.

Their unprecedented upward mobility is making them India's new middle class. Majority transactions in these markets are through friends of friends and word of mouth. Mobile phones are accelerating the deal flow in these markets by accelerating the flow of information. However, this trend is not yet making illiquid transactions liquid. This trend is not yet expanding the market scope beyond the personal network.

At Chaupaati, we aspire to unlock this latent market. We hope to level the playing field by providing open and equal opportunity access to information, markets and transactions; and therefore improve the livelihood of Indians. We are test marketing the Chaupaati service in select areas of suburban Mumbai and hope to unveil ourselves to the outside world very soon.

We are half a dozen IIT alumni. We are young achievers and repeat entrepreneurs with a strong professional pedigree. We hire the best talent and trust them to exceed their own abilities. We hire entrepreneurs and leaders, and empower them with the responsibility of making decisions and driving results. Come join us in driving this change.
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