
ConsumerMate.com is a new website launched by the 9.9 Media group which offers buying guide for personal technology gadgets like laptops, mobiles, LCD and Plasma TV.

This site is quite useful in helping customers in buying decisions. You will find a lot of information such as factors to remind while buying a product, and in depth information about a product and its usage. You can compare these products on features and finally receive the best price offers from vendors.

Consumermate.com covers all latest models of laptops, mobile phones & LCD, Plasma TV of leading brands that are available in the market and provide valuable and informative insights through its featured rating and review section.

Features like New Launches and Hot Deals, from where you can get the best prices and some great deals from online merchants, adds more values to the site.

The site also has an advanced search called Laptop Guru which helps you shortlist laptops through a wizard that asks you about your needs. Other feature includes an ASKUS section, which can be used for any query, it might be pricing, a particular feature, which you might not be seeing on the web or anything.

ConsumerMate.com’s focus is to provide authentic and credible information to its users. It’s having IIT and IIM Alumni in its leadership & Management Team.

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1 Response
  1. BurnPedia.com is one of the best sites to compare prices and features of various products. I used this website to compare the cost of the digital camera, being a vlog creator I needed a camera that is of good quality. The site helped in comparing the prices of the camera I wanted to buy.

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