
Trackut.com is a location-based streaming application which helps people stay connected with friends and peers using their mobile phone or PC.

Trackut streams a variety of information to the mobile users like peer location, local traffic updates, event information, classifieds, shopping guide, emergency information and customer locations on map etc. Apart from streaming information you can create location oriented groups, and share location tagged data including map places with your stories and experiences among your group.

You can even retrieve locations visited in the recent past based on filters such as location, time and point of interest.

Trackut has made their Facebook application available quite recently which will help you combine your Facebook network friends with Trackut. It also offers widgets which can Flavor your blogs and websites with a map showing where you are.

Trackut works on a wide range of phones, including the ones without GPS capability. You can download their application for Free.

Trackut.com is an offering from iNTERCHAIN Solutions, which is founded by some handful of engineers with strong expertise in mobile applications.
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