
Shopcorn is a Shopping Community Network which gives buyers a platform to interact, compare and shop. Shopping becomes a very fun and productive experience.

You can upload deals from any of the ecommerce sites like Indiatimes, rediff, shoppersstop etc. Other shoppers can see those deals and if they like the deal they give it a PICK and if they don't like a deal they give it a KICK.

The site has an Automatic Price Checker which is a real nice feature. Whenever a deal is placed in a Deal Box it checks if any other similar deal is present, if there is any similar deal then the former automatically becomes a part of a challenge. This helps user to choose the best deal across various portals.

Shopcorn also offers community features like Profile section, Sending and receiving scraps, uploading pictures, videos, blogs, Question Answers (Q&A) etc. Most importantly, the users can also interact with fellow shoppers using FREE Text-Voice-Video chat feature.

In addition to all these features, Shopcorn also provides Train and Hotel Search facility on their site.
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