
BookAdda is an online bookstore which helps you purchase books of all genres from anywhere across India.

The ecommerce store has a huge collection of books of different genres like Fiction, Non Fiction, Mystery, Self Help, Reference, Biographies etc.

The website also showcases books of Management, Computer, Engineering and Medical domain, catering to the entire major university syllabus in India.

It’s easy to buy a book from their store. First of you need to select any book by browsing categories or through searching author, title, keyword or ISBN from website’s home page. After this it will ask you to register yourself and enter your shipping details.

The books are shipped free of cost to anywhere in India within 2-3 days. You can check the status of your current order as well as view your past order history by clicking on "My Account" section.

This website also offers comprehensive information about a particular book like language, publishing date, publisher, author, binding. It even provides short editorial reviews thus helping you know better about the book before buy it.

Other features include Newly Released Books, Best Seller and Featured Books section.
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