
MotorExchange.in is an online marketplace that provides sellers and buyers a structured platform for transacting used vehicles.

This auto exchange platform intends to provide the most efficient price in defined time-lines to sellers, and the largest choice of vehicles to trade buyers.

Buying a Vehicle on MotorExchange is easy. After you register on the website, you will be redirected to the Live Events page. On this page, all active events will be displayed on which you can bid. When you click any of these events, the vehicles listed within them will be displayed.

Here you can enter your bid for a particular vehicle according to your interest. Once the auction comes to a close, and if you have won bid, you will be notified via email of the final steps in order to complete the transaction securely.

They also have “Auto Bid” feature which allows you to bid for the maximum amount which you wish to pay for a particular vehicle without actually participating in auction.

The team of experts inspects vehicles and provides them with a certification before they can be auctioned off. This enables buying vehicles conveniently without the requirement of personal physical inspection each time.

Anyone can list their vehicles for selling at the online auction. It also offers facility for Banks, Dealers, Leasing Companies to list vehicles.

MotorExchange has tied up with 12 banks and NBFCs including ICICI Bank, HDFC, and Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services as sellers on its platform.

The company has been founded by former Mahindra First Choice CEO Vinay Sanghi and ex-eBay India Head Rajan Mehra. Recently it has raised series A round of venture capital funding from Canaan Partners.
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