
GoVasool.com is an online group shopping marketplace where buyers can get best prices and retailers can cost effectively increase sales.

In this platform, as a buyer you can select products, join other buyers online who want to buy the same product, let retailers drop prices as more people join in your group and get the lowest price for your product.

From a retailer perspective, you can get access to thousands of new customers and increase your sales and visibility.

To buy product, just register with the website and search or browse for products. Next to each product’s image you will find the ‘Create Group’ button.

As you click this button, you will be redirected to a screen where you can select a product and add group description to start a new buying group. You even get an option to join existing buying groups if already available. This new group would be valid for 3, 5 or 7 days as per your wish.

You will get email updates every time a new buyer joins your group, a retailer places a bid, a group is about to close and a payment confirmation is required.

GoVasool offers a variety of products including MP3 Players, DVD Players, Microwaves, Digital Cameras, Televisions, Laptops, Mobile Phones and Automobiles from most of the branded companies. You can even compare local prices, read specification, rate and review products on this website.

This service is presently available only in Bangalore city, but will be scaled up in other cities.
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