
Affiliate marketing is one very popular method of earning money online. You've heard the success stories of the gurus, how millions have been made almost overnight! You feel this is a perfect fit for you. There is no product to create or stock. The affiliate will provide you with all the tools you need to succeed: email text, banner ads, a website to promote the product, and perhaps some training as well.
So, it would seem all you need to do it just place a few ads on the Internet and send traffic to your affiliate links, and, bingo, you are raking in the cash! Wouldn't it be wonderful if it went just like that!
Take note that most promotions by the gurus feature fabulous homes, expensive cars, exotic locations, and even dollar bills raining from the sky! And, many are trying to convey honestly what they have experienced - amazing success! Yes, millions have been made in affiliate marketing. You can generate a substantial income as an affiliate marketer. Here are some tips for the new affiliate marketer:
  1. Have realistic expectations. As above, many programs are going to show you the fabulous perks of success! You've seen screen shots that have made your eyes open wide! But, in reality, those figures did not come about overnight. The internet gurus with solid reputations had to make some mistakes and go through some learning curve as well. Don't expect to make $100,000 your first month in Internet marketing! Especially getting started, you will work hard and initially you may see disappointing results.
  2. Don't expect a free ride. Internet marketing is a business. Don't believe promotions that promise you don't have to do anything in order to get paid! You will only lose time and money. Instead, be prepared to invest your time, and/or finances. In order to get your site out in front of the masses, you will need to do one or the other, usually a combination of both. Affiliate marketing can be done with very little start-up capital. But, expect some financial outlay, even if it is minimal.
  3. You won't arrive at your destination without setting goals! You can't just decide to get into affiliate marketing and start throwing links here and there. You need a plan. You need to set realistic and achievable goals that you can measure. Write your plan out. Write the steps you need to take. For example, if you are using article marketing, you may have a goal of submitting xxx number of articles a day. You need to be able to track your results. How many clicks are your links getting? Which advertising medium is generating the most clicks?
  4. Avoid using the generic affiliate link. You want to be unique! Every affiliate has the same link. If you do not want to set up a blog or a web site, you can at a minimum purchase a domain and forward and mask the affiliate link for a more professional image. If you have no money to spend, you can set up a free blog using Blogger or WordPress. As soon as possible, transition to your own domain and hosting for your blog or website.
  5. Most importantly, do not get discouraged and never give up! Every guru will tell you about not only his successes, but also his failures. A baby learning to walk, stumbles, falls, and gets up. You are a "newbie" in affiliate marketing. Expect some falls. Get up. Keep moving forward. Soak up all the information you can through reading books, e-books and doing research online. If you finances allow, you can get coaching or mentoring. Visit forums where internet marketing is discussed. Do everything you can to reduce the learning curve.
Keep a positive mindset and pay attention to these tips. Yes, you can achieve success as an affiliate marketer.

1 Response
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