
IAndMyStory offers a personalized story book for kids that encourage them in reading as they become part of stories and feel that they are playing those characters.

You can place a personalized order by naming the characters in the book. The books are personalized with the name of the child who you are gifting it to, his Brother, Sister and Friends. As the kids can identify themselves with the story, it becomes very interesting for them to read these books.

The books have a lot of content and illustrations. This content is tailored to different age groups introducing them to simple life concepts and nurturing a sense of creativity and self-esteem in them. You can order for two levels of age groups i.e. between 5-8 and 9-12.

Books are fully illustrated, colorful and eye caching to attract kids attention and ranging from fairy tales to animal stories to space adventures topics. All books are printed individually on the best quality paper.

At present, they have eight titles on different themes of the personalized story books available on the website which can be ordered online. More titles and themes are in planning and published soon.

They also offer a platform for writers and illustrators who would want to publish their work as personalized books.
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