
Frodoe is an advertising portal that lists offers and discounts from a wide variety of products and services.

The site showcases products and services in different categories ranging from Beauty, Cars, Electronics, Home & Lifestyle, Kitchen, Telecommunications, Jewelry, Travel and many other categories.

As you enter a query about a product or service, Frodoe’s database lists all the offers based on your query. When you click on the hyperlink on any of the offers displayed, you can view the actual details of the offer as advertised by the seller including price of product, offer start & end date, contact information etc. They also have section of daily hot Picks Product which can be used at stores.

Sellers can advertise their offers and discount information on their website to maximize reach of an offer to relevant audience.

The website currently lists discounts and offers in the city of Chennai, Bengalooru, Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai.

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