
With more than 500 units of KFC stores in the world and more than 50 percent market shares in the umbrella company, opportunities in KFC investment is ideally good for businessmen who are motivated and dedicated in bringing good service to its customers.
KFC Corp. has started making franchises available in the market in 1952. Since then, the company has established hundreds of store worldwide. Initially, you will need around $25-$30,000 for franchising a store. According to the company website, there was no financing available for first-time owners.
Based on the company website, you and your staff can get free training to develop your skills in handling such food and restaurant business. This training involved shift leading, brand training, and handling different branches in one time. The company, under the Performance Improvement Programs and Support, will also hand out certifications after you and your staff completed the training.
However, the $25,000 franchising fee does not cover all the expenses. You'll going to have another $1million-$1.8million as capital requirement. The cash based capital is needed for building construction and other equipment to be purchased later on.
The company is also requiring all of its franchisee to commit in building or at least handling 3 more restaurants over a period of three years, which is in the US alone. The location of the store can also be handled by the mother company in order for you to maximize visibility without compromising the profit you'll get in every store that you put up.
A genius in multibranding, Yum! Brands can also accommodate you're choice of two brands under of roof. It also gives you the value to your money by combining two leading restaurant names and giving consumers that much needed choice and convenience. Now, they will never have to move from one place to another just to order fast and fresh foods.
The company also has what they called Value Network. This includes programs and staff recognition and support to enable you to compete in advertising terms. Brand recognition alone is a form of advertising so you can be assured that you're getting more than what you need. Consumer attraction and competitive advantage is gained simply by brand recognition so you don't have to pay extra money for TV, paper ads.
With all of these factors, the return of investment can be acquired in just a small amount of time.

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1 Response
  1. KFC Point Says:

    Hey!! Thanks for the post. I am also looking to Start KFC Franchise Business in India

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