
Amazon is perhaps the single largest online retailer. And even if you’re not a diehard affiliate marketer, you can make money as an Amazon affiliate.
In fact, if you plan and create a solid strategy, you can make a nice income as an Amazon affiliate. Here’s how to increase your Amazon affiliate revenue.

Choose products that fit well within your niche.
It’s easy to publish a capsule on your website and cross your fingers to hope someone will click and buy, however it rarely works that way. Instead, you need to promote specific products that relate to your website. For example, let’s say you have a fitness website.
You could write a series of articles on weightlifting tips. In the article you can link to the equipment you’re discussing, with your affiliate link. So we’re talking about embedded links. You can also publish an ad or an ad capsule in the middle of your article. Likewise you can review fitness DVDs for and link to the DVDs with your affiliate link. The key here is to be specific about what you link to. Your readers will click on the link, be taken to Amazon and are more likely to make a purchase.
Stay on top of trends.
Now there are trend analysts that are always chasing the next big thing and that can work for you if you’re quick about setting up websites and pages. However, the better approach is to stay on top of trends in your niche industry. Continuing with the fitness website example, there are always new books being written about fitness and new fitness trends. Stay on top of trends, search Amazon’s bestsellers and integrate them into your content and affiliate marketing campaigns.

 Measure link performance.
Don’t just paste and hope, track which links get high click throughs, track which links have high conversions and track which banner ads people actually click on. This is imperative for a long lasting and effective affiliate marketing campaign.

Provide great content.
People visit websites to learn, to solve problems and to be entertained. Great content can accomplish all of the above. One of the most effective forms of content for an affiliate marketer are reviews. Create a plan to review a product weekly or monthly and highlight it. Make sure to link the product or products you’re reviewing in your article.

Cross merchandise.
Earlier we talked about writing weightlifting content and linking to the products you’re discussing in your article. In addition to linking to the weightlifting equipment, what about linking to books on weightlifting or videos too?  What about linking to weightlifting gloves and apparel?  Cross promote affiliate products as long as they relate to your topic.

Amazon affiliates, when they plan and create a comprehensive strategy, can make a good income from their affiliate commissions. Embrace these steps and start making more money today.
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