
Mocodile is a software application to send photos, documents, audio and video from a PC to a mobile phone, anywhere in the world, across any telecom provider, in any language.

When you install Mocodile on your PC, you can share any media files including mp3 files, ring tones, wallpapers, maps/directions, addresses, jokes, articles with your friends and families even if they don't have a PC or Email.

Documents will be sent in Image format (JPEG), TEXT or PDF preserving the exact look and content of the original document, complete with fonts and graphics.

You don't need to install any software on your mobile to view the document, all you need is a browser enabled mobile phone which essentially means that you need to have a GPRS connection.

System requirements on PC includes windows xp(or less compatible), 8 MB of available RAM, 15 MB of available hard disk space, Internet Explorer 4.0 or above and windows socket library version 2 or above for windows 95.

  Visit: http://www.mocodile.com/
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