
AskLaila is a Local Information Service Provider across major cities of India including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bangalore and Jaipur.

If you're looking for something specific, or wish to know about what's happening in your town, you'll find all your answers on AskLaila ranging from shopping destinations, restaurants, events, and lifestyle.

You'll even get additional but most essential information like their contact numbers, landmarks, and hours of operation. You can also browse articles, user reviews, trade gossip, and a lot of other information through this website.

They have even included some cool social networking features like personal profiles, friends networking and business and service reviews which you might have used in past.

In additional to these, the site also features tools such as proximity search and SMS service.

They have a mobile version of this website. You can just log on to m.asklaila.com and visit their website using GPRS or Wi-Fi. You can also send your search query via SMS to 58989.

AskLaila is a part of Four Interactive Pvt Ltd. It has already completed two rounds of venture capital funding raising about $12 million so far from Matrix Partners, Lightspeed Venture Partners and SVB India Capital Partners
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