
SnappyFingers is a Bangalore based vertical search engine for Questions and Answers.

It crawls and indexes FAQs across the internet, and provides search results in a easy to view Question/Answer format. Users can use it for finding answers, or for conducting research.

They envision to build the most comprehensive database of Questions and Answers on the web. Presently, they have a database of 3 million questions. They also provide a huge database of Frequently Asked Questions on multitude of topics to aid in research. These FAQs have been created intelligently by mining their Question and Answer database.

SnappyFingers typically provide more detailed answers to queries, so Question/Answer search helps in finding answers faster. This is helpful especially when one is researching a topic.

The site works hard to find a similar question entered elsewhere, as well as it provides the user with the related answer to the inquiry.

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