
Zahdoo is a web based social networking and cognitive portal that deals with people's daily activities on internet.

It uses the cumulative knowledge of everyone in its network to intuitively guide each individual user with suggestions.

Zahdoo envisions to "Take the social computing to the next level by giving users insight into popular and collective mindset while retaining the relevance and significance to the user's lifestyle."

The portal provides almost all activities such as social networking conversations, information search, content tagging, online planner, personal website, reminder and alert services, sharing pictures, audio or video with your friends and semantic search along with auto content suggestions via semantic analysis.

You can set goals and manage expectations using projects and goals. Email and Dashboard Alerts can be configured for these goals.

You can create and personalize web pages which includes pictures, audio and video. This can be then shared among your friends.

There are polling features where users can quickly initiate a poll. They can also search existing polls to find out publlic opinion on topics of interest.

Features like context awareness, semantic linking, auto tagging and a range of planning & networking features help members share content and knowledge withing their network.
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