
Tagz is a social bookmarking cum social news platform. It takes the good parts of social bookmarking (tagging) and adds the great stuff from social news (voting, threaded comments) while also adding a recommendation engine.

Its a platform where you can find and share new links on the internet. It can even comprehend semantic relationships between tags.

When someone searches for a tag like 'color' on other sites, all bookmarks tagged 'colors' or 'colored' or 'colorful' are excluded from the results, Tagz is smart enough to know these relationships.

Whenever it find bookmarks semantically related tags to the current search term, it shows a tip on the sidebar. Clicking on the tip takes the user to the a page with the related tags included in the filters.

At Tagz you can add users as friends and send them links. You can import and synchronize bookmarks from delicious and can also import the standard netscape bookmarks file.

The recommendation engine, which predicts which links a user would like based on their voting history and saved links, recommends these new links to the user on a daily basis.
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