
MangoSpring is an open application programming interface (API) which helps in extending social capabilities across every level of an organization. The platform is mainly a collaboration suite which aims to impact on how communication happens in the Enterprise 2.0 and beyond.

The API allows developers to develop MangoApps or integrate existing business applications into MangoSpring Collaboration Platform.

This real-time Collaboration platform allows authorized users or applications to generate information feeds for activities you do in your existing enterprise systems and applications. The application has some special features at low prices which makes it different from other social collaboration products.

Some of the features of the collaboration suite are Micro-blogging, Messages/ Feeds, Comments, Message/Feed Filters, Instant Messaging, Project Messages/Feeds, Project Comments, Wall Feeds, Acknowledge/Read Receipt, like it, watch it, Link Sharing, Rich Dashboard and Email Notifications.

MangoSpring’s application avails you a reliable and secure communication facility anytime and anywhere with mobile, desktop or web where you can follow people who are relevant to you and your work or making new connections. Using this open API’s you can create & manage project tasks, create & manage polls, conference calling and instant messaging.

All you have to do is to register your application at the open API of the MangoSpring and after that you will get an application key and application secret code information. All requests coming from your application need to be passed this application key and the data encrypted using the application secret code.

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