
Flatsonrent is an online platform where people from different organizations can connect and share flats rental information with each other.

The platform is unique in its approach in the sense that it can be accessed only by corporate professionals who are interested in letting out their owned flats or looking for a flat on rent.

Flat owners and onlookers can cut the time spent on various other channels such as newspapers or property agents to search for the right flat. The portal lists flats of the flat owners who can offer flats to other members of the community.

The account requires you to have a corporate email address. After a simple registration, you need to fill up the property listing form. This will list your flat on the portal and thus visible to all the other community members. The flat onlooker who is member of Flatsonrent community directly gets matching flats information in their mailbox. If any flat does not suits your requirements, you (flat onlooker) can remove it from your list.

The flat owners also receive emails with details of members interested in their flat. Once you find a flat or flat onlooker of your interest, you can share your contact details by sending an email. The portal provides you the option to upload the images of your flat, surrounding images, details about the flats and your need so that the user can get tenant or flat of their choice.
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