
HelloIntern.com primarily aims at providing the deserving students with best available internships and projects in the market.

Internship market currently is in its emerging stage and is expected to mature in the coming years, which is evident from the increasing competition among students for high profile jobs.

Internships serve as a great platform to provide with hands-on experience in the field of interest along with adaptability to the work environment plus adds credibility to the resume. HelloIntern.com has been awarded the "Best Student Enterprise 2007

Infoportal is an information storehouse intended for internships in India and abroad, based on the principle of Learn, Share, Intern. It also contains articles and reviews from multitude of professionals regarding the emerging markets and internships opportunities in them. Add to these the oodles of internship experience-sharing from students themselves.

They plan to start a program aimed at building the best students' network in India : HI-SAP. The details of the program will be available soon in the coming days.

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