
AuditionsIndia.com is a platform dedicated to all those talented Indians who are searching for latest auditions and casting calls across India.

The platform is a great place for people who have talent and are looking for an opportunity to work as an actor, actresses, model, musician, singer, comedian, anchor, animator or writer etc. This portal provides you updated information related to auditions and casting calls across India.

It uses an integrated new media platform to provide users with the latest information on reality shows and other opportunities across the broadcast sector. The portal also shows you the Exclusive Talent Directory of Aspiring Models, Musicians, Actors, Singers across India and International. It is a great resource for even the reality show producers, broadcasters and their constituent participants.

You can search for auditions by location wise or talent wise. Just click on your interested field and you can get hundreds of opportunities.

You can register for free and can then upload your profile, photos, audios, videos on the portal. This helps the producers and broadcasters to select the candidate for auditions.

The registered users can get information for the auditions related to their interest through sms and emails also.
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