
xKmph is a biking club for passionate Indian bikers to share their experiences with each other.

xKmph brings all bikers together to share different aspects of biking and making the biking atmosphere friendlier for the bikers. The biking club constitutes all bikers irrespective of their speeds of biking.

This portal lets you (a biker) submit your pictures and articles that can be viewed by others; they (bikers) can even use the site’s classified section to sell and buy biking related items.

The community forum (discussion board) is the main section of the website. After you become a member of this portal, you can join any community and start reading and contributing to it.

Some of the other features include chatting with your fellow bikers, personal blog, latest updates and news in biking world etc.

Owners of different types of Scooters, Four Stroke Bikes, Two Strokes, Mopeds, Indian Bikes, Foreign bikes are all a part of this community.
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