
VidyaCenter.com is an online marketplace for learning and training.

It is a collaborative platform which helps students and professionals to connect with educational providers and transact around content and services.

The mode of delivery for content and service can be both online and offline. Students can find teachers related to their field of interest, and compare them based on user-feedback.

On VidyaCenter Students can compare different institutions-teachers, read feedback, enroll for courses they are interested in. They can also take mock tests, compare results with peers and network with other students.

If you are looking for coaching related to a specific topic, you can place an ad, alongwith the amount you are ready to pay for the coaching. Teacher's/Coach can Upload course content (can be text, video, presentation etc.) and quote the price they want to charge for the course.

You can look up specific learning needs of students and if the needs match, contact the student about your course. VidyaCenter makes learning and training better and easier through the use of application, community network, management tools, experience, and technology.
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