
Green 1.0 is a non-profit organization determined to take action for a greener future. Their vision is of a planet where community efforts are leading the planet towards a green environment.

At Green 1.0, They understand the importance of acting now to ensure that they can give a greener generation to the future. This current initiative is just the first step in their commitment to a clean and green energy future. It is an initiative by IIT students to provide clean and green energy to future generations.

At Green 1.0, they believe that to slow global warming, they must radically – and quickly – cut wastage of energy. Green 1.0 advocates simple yet efficient ways to promote a green culture. Even a small effort from the individuals and organizations can make a huge difference not only at a local level, but at national and international levels. They provide a platform for the individuals and organizations to unite and take a stronger step towards our future.

Green 1.0 regularly organize national and international level campaign and they not only makes people aware by campaigns, it asks people to "actually" take action. Their every effort, campaign, step is aimed at contributing to the nature. People willing to save electricity and energy for future generations can take a pledge at pledgeforgreen.com by simply providing their name and email. They will be reminded of the pledge 24 hours before the event date.
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