
Nuggetize is a search tool that dig deep inside the documents spread across the web to retrieve useful and relevant information.

This search engine (tool) is from Dhiti, a small bootstrapped startup from Bangalore. It crawls the most relevant documents for your query, analyzes them deeply, and presents useful information in those documents as "Nuggets".

Nuggets can help a content writer increase the speed of completing an article with high quality. Nuggets can even help research scholars to research relevant and useful information scattered across internet.

Traditionally search engines only return lists of links and it’s up to the user to open those links and look for information. This causes search fatigue. Nuggets solves this problem by showing the results from multiple points of view. This search is called faceted search and it is already wildly popular in eCommerce sites.

Nuggetize analyzes sentences from the most relevant results for a query, and mines for the most informative nuggets. Nuggets that provide good summaries - often definitions, are bubbled up at first. Nuggetize organizes all sentences into categories, and bubbles up the most relevant, and informative categories to the top.

It makes use of search engine API, works like a Meta search engine using Yahoo! BOSS API and Google's Restful search interface. Only the top few results from these search engines are used and analyzed.
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