
myHeureka provides you a social platform to secure your intellectual property (IP) rights, pitch your ideas to investors for funding and get funded.

Generally when a unique business idea comes to person’s mind, the person tends to protect it by patenting, copyrighting or trade-marking through the Trademark office. The process is tedious and the charges are steep. It becomes almost impossible for a common man to pursue it.

myHeureka can come to rescue this tedious process. It provides you an online IP rights management system where you can submit your ideas. Individuals and Corporations (small & large) can log all their patentable idea, copyright material or trademarks to secure their intellectual property without any cost.

Once you create an account at myHeureka and submit your ideas, they will be automatically protected with submitted date and time.

The system is designed in such a way that you can check who all have viewed your ideas. The users are allowed to submit a new idea but not to edit the submitted idea. If someone tries to copy your idea, you can claim it as your own by referring to this idea and the date/time the idea was filed. Users can rate or comment on others' ideas and view ratings or comments on their ideas.

Your business ideas will be visible only to angels, venture capitals and lawyers. If your idea is genuine and seems to be of great use to the investors, they can ask you to provide detailed business plan and fund the same if required.

The portal can also be useful for the investors to keep an eye on popular and unique business ideas to invest their money.

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