
myBantu works as an online personal assistant who can give recommendations for all of your needs. The web application can very well be termed a smart personal manager.

The portal gives you guidance regarding most of the things. It gives you three-nine personalized and relevant recommendations based on its patent pending technology. The portal even lets you get opinions from friends and family in case you are not sure about recommendations given by myBantu.

Let us consider an example given on their website. If you meet somebody unexpectedly and you need a good place to eat somewhere nearby, you can definitely look upto myBantu for guidance. All you have to do is to provide the small data, and based on your need, a set of recommendations will be suggested.

myBantu.com uses different tools like search engines, semantic engines, social networking sites and other specialized sites like yahoo, open table etc as the source of the recommendations. The recommendation engine leverages "social intelligence" by getting opinions from user's friends, reviews on recommendations and many other ways to get the things done.

At present, myBantu.com is specializing on recommendations related to food, drink, movies, music and online shopping.
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