
Mentorpolis.com is an online platform that establishes a communication channel between mentees who seek academic and professional advice with accomplished and suitable mentors.

It provides mentees with personal guidance and direct access to mentors, who can help them make informed decisions through telephone consultations, web seminars and personal meeting.

Mentor’s consultation services engulf different verticals which includes Engineering, MBA preparation, Education Abroad, Entrepreneurship and Job Interview.

The website hosts Web Seminars by Mentors which can be attended free of cost. The one to one interaction such as Telephonic Consultations and In-person Meetings are paid and mainly depends upon the mentors.

Apart from conversations, they also host forums and web links which offer excellent medium to ask questions and get access to best resource on education across the web.

Who are Mentees and Mentors?

The Mentees could be high school students, undergraduates and young professionals. Whereas the mentors are students and professionals who once were in the same situation, but have now achieved success in their respective fields. The mentors can precisely understand the problems faced by mentees and they now wish to share their wisdom in a nurturing manner.
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