
Link Popularity Matters is an Online Marketing firm that specializes in providing link building service.

What is Link Building? 

The process of increasing the number of links pointing to a particular website is called Link Building. This can be done a variety of ways including sending requests to other websites to link to the site, or hiring a firm to handle this for you as LinkPopularityMatters.com do.

One unique thing about this service is that they provide manual link development means no software is employed in link development. From theme analysis and corresponding partner identification, to dispatch of link request, negotiation and monitoring, all these activities are carried out manually by their link experts.

They claim to have developed a significant database of websites in a cross section of domains, ranging from high technology websites to websites selling products and services.

Their service is priced to suit the requirements of all customers ranging from small start ups to large websites. Their service price model includes Silver, Gold and Platinum plans which depend on duration of work. Webmasters can also order for trail pack to check link quality before ordering a bigger package.

They also list a comprehensive article of industry specific knowledge regarding Link Exchange, SEO and Web Promotion etc. which helps webmaster to increase their website visibility.
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