Always eager to please, we spotted this simple yet brilliant idea: there's money to be made in selling laminated, 2- or 4-sided, satchel-sized 'Quick Study' guides -- from the periodic table of the elements to the basics of Spanish grammar -- to consumers at news stands, airport kiosks, and on the web.
How is it done? Closely study BarCharts, the world's largest provider of laminated reference guides. BarCharts started with a handful of subjects and now offer over 250 guides for students, computer users and general home use. They've sold 21 million QuickStudy guides, distributed from a 28,000 square foot facility in Boca Raton, Florida.
Rest of the world? Wide open! So get yourself a USD 259 (EUR 215) laminating machine, a handful of one-page guides on anything from health to education to business wisdom, and you're in business. Or partner with BarCharts for an extra fast start. And there's a B2B twist as well: if you offer tailor-made guides, schools, universities and businesses will be willing customers, too. Who would have thought?
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