
Games2Win.com has launched an online games ad network called InviziAds.com. Games2Win.com is an online gaming company. The advertisers can reach their target audience using this new Advertising network InviziAds.com. It will allow flash game developers across the globe to monetise their games through ads. These online flash games are transferable or can be shared from one portal to another without any authorisation or benefit to the original game developer.

Alok Kejriwal, founder and chief executive officer, Games2Win.com, said, "About a year ago, Games2win discovered that once game developers published their games on our site, thousands of other sites would copy and paste these games on their own sites." He added, "Although this resulted in massive distribution for the game developers, they got no revenue benefit. The quest to capture this large economic gap led to the creation of InviziAds." "With InviziAds.com, game developers can earn money even when their games are copied and published on other sites apart from Games2Win.com. Game developers will get a special software programming code called ad code, which they have to embed inside the original software program code of the game. This ad code will enable a game to carry ads at various locations within it", Mr Kejriwal further added.

These ads will appear when a user copies them and publishes them on any other site. These ads can be controlled by the Game developers and they can even track where their games have been copied or published. They can switch on or off ads in their games on a particular site. Various advertisers from all over the world are being roped in for this. But, the names of them are not yet declared. This new ad network has been joined by almost 120 game developers more than 2,000 online game sites across 150 countries are already playing InviziAds.
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