
BrainNook is an educational games suite based on academic syllabus which is especially designed for small age children.

The software suite consists of dozens of games based on Maths and English Grammar syllabus, which is embedded inside the colorful virtual world that encourages exploration.

Children take on the role of an alien while exploring these virtual worlds. This helps the children develop critical skills like numeracy, language proficiency, reading, analysis, memorization, and computer literacy etc.

BrainNook is currently available in two different formats: an installable version to be installed on home computers, and as a school version that can be used in computer labs.

Teachers can use BrainNook to revise topics taught in class, to practice important concepts, and to test students' understanding of concepts in a fun and unique way.
BrainNook also involves parents in their child's achievements through performance reports and alerts. Parents can view their child's performance in detail through a control panel within the program, and view the progress of their child relative to all other children playing BrainNook.

BrainNook is an offering from Mumbai based Nunook Interactive Pvt Ltd which is founded by Abhijeet Vijayakar.
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