
Boomi.in is a Meta search engine for real estate properties listed across India. It aggregates free listings from various Real-Estate websites and provide it under a single platform.

To start a search, simply enter your city or locality name in the search box or browse listings by city from website’s home page. Once you get the search results, you can refine those by filtering the price level, locality, property type or listed by filters. You can even see results “Property for Sale” and “Property for Rent” under separate heads.

Boomi.in also allows the search results to be added to your profile so that you can access saved properties in future. To save the results, press the "save listing" link next to each result to save it to your account. But to use this feature, you need to register on their site.

The website promoters are planning to add several features in near future which will let user’s aggregate content, build social networks, submit photos, write reviews and tips and support Tag listings.
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