Facebook Applications can be your Virtual Properties. Yes, this is the Information age and this is the Era of Virtual Properties (Web Properties) Such as Blogs, Websites, Forums, Communities, Web Businesses….etc…

Facebook applications is one such type of Web Property or Virtual Asset. If properly designed and marketed than it can make millions of dollars for you……..!!!!!!!!

Your Facebook Applications can be your Online Asset just like other traditional offline assets such as stocks, bonds, gold, your home & Rental Properties. You can buy, sell, rent or trade this Web Asset for higher profits……….!!!!!!!!!

“It is possible to make millions with Facebook Applications (or "apps"). No, this is not the usual hype you see on the 'net. No, it's not a pitch for an ebook. Or a "marketing secrets" newsletter. We'll shortly describe a real-life example, complete with names and details, of a canny entrepreneur with a simple idea that's been tried and tested to $1,000,000 per week and could work for anyone who has a bit of imagination and a go-get-'em spirit. Prepare for a WOW! moment in a moment.

First, what's a Facebook application and how do you get one? If you aren't already familiar with this, the Facebook Developers' section provides all of the information and tools needed to get going. Quite simply, an app is a program that interacts with the Facebook site and enhances users' experience of Facebook, or provides other functionality. Users add apps to their profile voluntarily and can always "unsubscribe" at any time.

There's even a fund to pay you to get started building apps! And there are several ways to make money from an app, for example:

Money for selling an app: One needs either the skills to develop an application or the money to hire someone to do it. That's the downside. That's the only downside. Once an application acquires a large number of regular users, developers find there is an established market for buying and selling "apps". Try AppMrkt, Appbid, Sitepoint even eBay and several smaller players. Rates range anywhere from $1 to $10 per "active" user (it's not just about signing them up but designing the app to be addictive), but that's a very general rule and many fall outside those prices.”
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2 Responses
  1. Blogger Says:

    Just got my cheque for $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can earn taking paid surveys online...

    So I show them a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for paid surveys.

  2. Unknown Says:

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