Average Time to Get Rich in the Industrial Age

Before 1990, It was the Industrial Age. And in the Industrial Age it was used to take literally two to three decades to get rich. Well, Yes. This is because it takes lots of human labour work to build a large industrial age infrastructure.

It used to take lots of human labour in the Industrial age to make lots of money. But well, Today is the Information Age. In fact, after 1990, because of the birth of the internet the industrial age gets over and the information age started.

And in the Information age, you can become rich at the speed of light. Well, Yes. This is true. It is because today the entire world is connected with the internet.

Just take the example of Billionaires like Larry Page (Google) who became billionaire at the age of 32 and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) who became the world’s youngest self-made billionaire in 2008 at the age of just 24 years only.

The Founders of Amazon, eBay, Microsoft & Apple corporation became billionaires in their thirties. It took just a decade to become a billionaire in the Information Age.

In fact, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook became billionaire in less than 5 years of time.

Today Industrial Age is over. This is because the new entrepreneur can’t start his own business easily in the industrial age. This is because the Industrial age businesses require huge infrastructure and lots of investments.

And it is almost next to impossible to buy a real estate at lower price in today’s world. And that’s why day by day it is becoming more and more difficult for the start-up entrepreneurs to start their own industrial age business.

You can not start the industrial age business without lots of start-up capital. But well, starting the internet business (Information Age Business) requires very low start-up capital that even a high school going kid can also start his own online business out of scratch with just few hundred dollars of investment.

So This is the power of the information age and starting a business online.
1 Response
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