
Darren Rowse of Problogger.net – A Professional Blogger

Darren Rowse is the Australian Blogger living in Melbourne and the Founder of the Authority Blog – Problogger.net.

Darren is a full time blogger and make a living on his Blog Income. He started his Blog Business in the year 2002 after reading the article about “Blogging” and within 24 hours of reading that article he started his own first blog – LivingRoom.org.au

Darren has also founded 2 other Authority Blogs - Digital Photography School and TwiTip.

Today Darren is a 6 figure Blogger. Means he is making literally 6 figure income in dollars every year from his blogs.

This is the power of Blogging. The History of Blogging is not much old. In the year 1999, Blogs have first time emerged as a websites in which people can publish their own thoughts. Several developing countries like India have very low internet penetration (Less than 2%) and that’s why still the most of the people don’t know the power of the Information age and the Internet.

What I advise to the young generations that get used to this new technology. So that you can make your fortunes on the internet like these Internet Entrepreneurs. There is a huge market space for authority blogs in almost every Niche and according to me this is the right time to build your empire.

Believe me, the money making potential of the internet is immense. Even a High School going kid can also make literally millions of dollars every year by putting a side business on the internet. So don’t waste your time and start your internet business as early as possible…!!!
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