
Amit Agarwal is the great Indian Technology Blogger. He is the founder of the Technology Blog Labnol.org. Amit is a 33 years old blogger (As of 2010) living in Agra, India and started his Blogging Business in the year 2004 and after that he never looked back. Today Amit is earning literally US $ 1000 per day from his blog by displaying Google AdSense adds on his Blog. And that is US $ 365,000 + Earning every year…!!!

Amit has made this much of fortune by investing nothing. Well, yes he invested US $ 10 to buy that Domain name. And today he is known as the Founder of the Indian Blogging Industry. He has graduated from IIT and after that started doing his job. But he did not like 9 to 5 job and he spotted the huge potential on the Internet and Technology related information.

This is the power of the Information age and the Internet. Who says that it requires money to make money? This is the Information age and it doesn’t require any money to make money in the information age. It just requires an idea and the Web space to start your own business and target millions of eye balls from all around the world.

If you also want to start your career as a Professional Blogger than there is a great opportunity to make money by this way. What I personally like about Blogging is it’s passive nature of Income. You will have to work hard at once only to develop that brand value and the content. After that you will never stop making money unless your content will be consumed by the people around the world.

So Give a trial to the Blog Business. There is nothing to loose in it except $ 10 if you don’t become successful in it.
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