
Who are the Richest People in the World?

The following are the most richest people in the world. All of them are business tycoons and own a large chunk of shares in their own publically listed companies. All of them are the Forbes Billionaires.

01) Carlos Slim Helu – Net Worth: US $ 53.5 Billion

Carlos Slim Helu is the world’s richest man. He’s a Mexican Telecommunications Tycoon with $53.5 billion dollars in the bank. His strategy to “buy companies cheap, turn them around and then ruthlessly drive the competition out of the market” has really paid off. Helu has increased in wealth by $18.5 billion dollars in 12 months. His shares of American Movil were up 35% in a year. American Movil is the largest mobile operator in Latin America which contributes to more than half of Helu’s wealth. He’s also interested in construction and energy infrastructure.
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