It’s funny how often you hear of new entrepreneurs that have become successful overnight, or how much an entrepreneur has made from being successful but what you don’t hear about very often is their failures along the way. Some of the greatest entrepreneurs of all-time have failed at least once on their rise to glory. Although some are very lucky and born into wealth, or perhaps inherit a large sum of money which they use to invest, the majority of us like to hear about people we can more closely relate to. People that had it bad, sometimes very bad in fact, it’s a way of keeping us motivated and inspired and we all need that little boost once in a while.

By looking at the success of others who failed their first, second or even third time around it not only gives us that inspiration I speak of, it also gives us a little extra hope. Now I’m not going to say that money is made by hopes and prayers it takes a lot of determination and guts as well as hard work and the odd dose of good luck. But hope can lift us up when we need it the most, perhaps your business hasn’t gone as well as you had hoped? Maybe you have a blog that you just can’t seem to monetize to any degree of success? Well, hopefully after reading this list you will be able to not only relate to the people on it, but maybe, just maybe you will see that you haven’t got it half as bad as some of these entrepreneurs.

So grab a cup of whatever it is you drink, tea, coffee maybe a latte, and just sit back, relax and soak in all of the information before you. I hope you enjoy reading it and I hope it inspires you to go even further with whatever it is you are doing.

On with the list…
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