
ShopSmart.in is dedicated to the online shopping community in India. It facilitates knowledge sharing amongst online shoppers.

Their goal is simple - bringing the best deals and bargains available online or offline to the shoppers community. They envisage to evolve into a smart shopper social bargain sharing website where shoppers share their online / offline knowledge and experiences.

ShopSmart is web-based Indian community shopping portal where people can go to share great deals and product opinions. Each listing, which are posted by users, can be voted on by other users and the deals that receive the most votes are placed into their own category entitled "Popular". Each listing also has tags which can be clicked on to surf through the site and find products that are related in some way to the original posting.

Each listing also has the original link where the user found the deal, making it easy to click on the link and purchase the product from the originating environment. Strangely, the majority of the products do not have a price tag and apparently you have to go to the original website to find out the price.
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