
Launched in January 2008, naaptol.com is targeted to become India's premiere social comparison shopping portal, a one stop destination for all the merchants, shoppers and market enthusiasts.

The portal is equipped with latest web 2.0 technologies with focus on exhaustive content around the products prominent in Indian market. It currently features products from categories such as cameras, computers and peripherals, consumer electronics, mobile phones, jewellery items and gift items.

They have included only quality products on the portal and have employed many intelligent algorithms for creating filters and similar products. Naaptol.com serve the consumer by giving them access to complete product information, both technical and descriptive.

They also provide specialized expert reviews to give you a bird’s eye view to the product. User reviews to authenticate the product’s worth are also included which serves as a great tool to comprehend a product.

They are a mediator that acquaints their cutomers with far spread sellers and their products enabling them to decide the best purchase. They strive to give them the best deal by letting the sellers compete for the price rather than customers to bargain for it.

They offer updated product prices and specifications so that you do not miss out on any new entrant and are abreast of the prices. They host interactive contests to reward their visitors for participation. They have built an offline and online shopping network which is enabling sellers across the country onto one portal to justify the pricing of the products.
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