
LootStreet.com is a home-grown project which offers online buyers and sellers a unique platform for bargaining on any and every price.

LootStreet is an initiative of AKVentures, they aims at growing into India's leading e-commerce specialists who help retail sellers and 'brick-and-mortar' outfits to expand into the growing market of online trade. They provide their expertise in assisting you to scale your business, grow your brand and most importantly - boost revenues.

Lootstreet does not follow the ‘Auction’ or the ‘Buy-at-Fixed-Price’ model. Their portal hosts both new and used goods and follow a unique model of price determination of a sale with a simple underlying ideology - Every Price is Negotiable.

Lootstreet is also defining an interesting shift in entrepreneurial trends. While many startups in the past have been pure-play IT based, Lootstreet combines IT with logistics and supply chain to create a brick and click structure which has been used successfully in the west by many e-commerce websites.
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