Mark Zuckerberg – The Young Internet Entrepreneur
Mark Zuckerberg is the Co-Founder, CEO and President of world’s largest Online Social Network Facebook.com. Mark is the youngest ever self-made billionaire. He first time became a Forbes billionaire at the age of 23 (2008). Mark is the American born Entrepreneur and co-founded Facebook while studying in Harvard. As of 2010, his net worth is US $ 4 Billion.
Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard Dorm room on 4th Feb 2004 and after that he moved to Palo Alto, California. They leased a small house which served as a first office of the company. In the summer they found Peter Thiel who invested in the Company. Zuckerberg and his group planned to return to Harvard in the fall but after the staggering growth of Facebook, they have have never returned back to the Harvard University to complete their study.
Well, Yes Mark Zuckerberg is the successful College Drop out. Just like Bill Gates, he also dropped out from world’s most famous university – Harvard University.
This shows that Higher college degrees don’t have any role in achieving the financial success in one’s life. In fact, those who attend the schools and colleges committedly will eventually become employees at some company and live paycheck to paycheck.
This Example shows that you should set your own side business while taking your college degrees. This is very important if you want to become Rich and Financially success. Education system is designed in such a manner that it will never ever motivate you to become Business owners and Investors. It will only motivate you to become employees and self-employees only.
I advise young college going students to start their own business as early as possible in their lives rather than wasting their valuable time behind taking college degrees which will ultimately make them employees at some corporations or at government…!!!
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